Monday, August 29, 2011

Countdown to Irish Fest

Irish Fest has a group of AMAZING Kids, believe it or not, known as the KCIF Kids's Club who work year round to bring Irish Fest to all the kids who will be joining us this weekend.   The kids this year divided and conquered special areas to provide their special touch and expertise:

Jake - In his spare time Jake is a student at Bishop Miege, who plays Baseball and Football, but his manager job at Irish Fest this year was and is to make sure all the kids have fun at the Giant Wackalaylee.   Jake with lots of help from other Kids' Club Members filled about 500 lbs of toys and candy yesterday at my house in their prep work.    Watch for Jake in his High King Garb at Irish Fest this year.

Kate - Kate is a dancer and a student at St Thomas More, and this year is in charge of the coloring contest.  She has chosen the coloring pages available for the contest and will be judging the entries and sending the winners their awards.   Kate is our mini-Manager in the Children's Main Tent, she kept us running last year.  Kate won't keep me as a Mascot,  she likes Larry, the green chicken the best.  You didn't know Larry was green, what color do you think an Irish Fest Chicken would be?

Mikayla and Maura - Maura is a Musical Thespian in the true sense and adds her flair in everything she does.  She moonlights as a student at St Elizabeth School.   While Mikayla has a passion for Basketball and Student Government.  She is a Freshman at Liberty Junior High School.    These two tag team managing the Merchandise that is for the Children's Area.   Their merchandise is wonderful as you saw examples yesterday and will see more this week.   Winners can exchange their "MOOLA" (money named from me!) for prizes or anyone can buy a fun remembrance of their time spent at Irish Fest.  These two young ladies might break out in a tune for you.

Colleen and Kelsey -  Kelsey is also at St Elizabeth School while Colleen is at Holy Spirit.  These two young ladies share a passion for Irish Dancing.   We will lose their help while they dance and make everyone smile at the Feis this year.  And they will make you smile as they are managing KC Irish Fest Bingo this year.   Look for help from Patrick (Colleen's brother) who is a new member of the Kid's Club.   Just to look at these two lovely young people will make you smile, but they are your key to winning at Bingo, and no, bribery just won't work.

Cassie - Cassie is our young woman who shows us all her determination and will as she is playing for the boy's football team at Olathe this year.   She is a versatile player and must be rather fast for the positions that they have her in.   Cassie is about art, and has her typical brilliant ideas that she shares as our  Liaison Manager with Artrageous.   She and  Miss Julie of Artrageous are soul mates.   You saw the crafts they will be offering in an earlier blog...everyone will be making a craft this year.  Cassie also knows the words, not just to my Irish Tunes, but to all tunes, amazing young lady, and we are tending to her football bruises for Irish Fest.

Joseph -  Joseph has a strong bit of theatrical in him as well, and may someday be on stage performing for us all.  He has a bit of the comic in him as the Irish would say.  This Rockhurst student is in charge of the Children's stage and the Royal Procession, he is also the coordinator of the Royal Costume Contest this year with KC Pumpkin Patch.   Watch handsome Joseph lead the way with our newly proclaimed royalty in the Procession this year, you can't miss him.

Q - Q or Nathanial is a proclaimed expert at WII Games and after a conversation with another expert while working to help load the Wackalaylees yesterday,  I am not going to go head to head with him in any game. And I thought I was good at these games, not compared to Q.   Q attends school in Olathe, and is managing Volunteer Relations for the Children's area this year.  What does that mean?   He is taking good care of the Volunteers and making extra sure they have water and breaks!   Q will be another of the High Kings at Irish Fest.

Maddie - A sophomore at St Teresa's Academy (the original STA, although we love you St Thomas Aquinas), Maddie is an artist.   She is documenting the Children's Area this year through her pictures and words, you will find her in most any of the Children's many sites, she may be helping the area for awhile, but she will certainly be gathering information about all the things going on in the Children's many areas at Irish Fest and capturing the fun times on her camera.  Her pictures will capture the essence of all these young peoples' endeavors and work they have done over the past months, and specifically over the past two weeks, not to mention the week coming up!

All of these members of the Kid's Club are simply BRILLIANT!   And they are excited to share with you the results of their very hard work and the hours of helping they did to bring you the Best Irish Fest ever for the Children's Area.  Collectively, this remarkable group has a "WAY" better than Average GPA at school and in my book they are at the top of all Charts for successful, gorgeous, talented, competitive, bright and plain old very nice KIDS!  

Please take a minute and meet these KCIF Kids Club, they are the ARD RI'  at Irish Fest this year, you will see it on their shirts.

And look for our Junior Club Members, we have Brendan, Maley, Alex, Seamus and Charlie as our up and coming group.   We have some wee ones as well with Kate and Lily and some special Merchandise that our very special Merchandise Committee Member Ron Einbender got for just our wee ones!   Thanks Ron!

Tomorrow we will talk about our first retired Kid's Club Member!   

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