Sunday, May 2, 2010


Welcome to the KCIF Kid’s Club Blog - There are approximately three months until the KCIF and we hope to provide commentary and regular updates on the Kid’s Club activities.  
Our aim is to educate, entertain and have fun as we get our “Irish on” in advance of the festival.  And, yes, parents are allowed to check in occasionally as well.
So, let’s get started with some Irish sayings that you just might want to drop into your own conversations.  People will be astounded by your clever Irish wit.
*"not backwards in coming forwards" - means a person is not shy.
*"no flies on him" - means a person is not easily deceived
*"she has a tongue that would clip a hedge" - means a person who gossips.
*A pig, allowed to live in Irish farmhouses in olden days, was once known as "the gentleman that pays the rent."
*"come for a day and stay for a week" - means someone outstaying their welcome
Please send us your suggestions and comments.
Happy May!!
KCIF Kid’s Club


  1. Congratulations and welcome to the KCIF Kids Blog!

    Uncle Bloggy

  2. I love these sayings. Post some more.
