The first place that I was shown on my journey was the Hill of Tara.This place was one of the most magical places in all of Ireland.It is also known as the Hill of the Kings.There are several forts that are in this area, two of which surround Lia Fáil or the Stone of Destiny.It was at this stone that the High Kings were crowned.The King would have to face a number of challenges in order to be crowned.At the end of these trials he would have to touch the Stone of Destiny.When he was successful, the Stone would let out three roars that were to be heard throughout Ireland, to let the people know a new King was crowned.There was even a temple built underneath this Hill.142 Kings are known to have reigned in this site. Much of the monuments still stand today. The sights were beautiful and filled me with wonder and magic.
I am the first boy cow to represent Irish Fest. That is some pressure to shine! Do not confuse me with Boulevard Brewing Company's Irish Stout. I am a cow, not a beer, and proud of it!
Wow those pictures are amazing. They remind me of those things people always want to claim aliens built.