There was an Old Man in a tree,
Who was horribly bored by a Bee;
When they said, "Does it buzz?"
He replied, "Yes, it does!"
"It's a regular brute of a Bee!"
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Irish Thought for December 30...
Irish-Americans By the Numbers
Nine villages or towns in the United States are named after Ireland's capital city. According to 2009 Census data, the two most populous of these are Dublin, CA (populations 44,541) and Dublin, OH (population 39,210).
Nine villages or towns in the United States are named after Ireland's capital city. According to 2009 Census data, the two most populous of these are Dublin, CA (populations 44,541) and Dublin, OH (population 39,210).
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Irish Thought for December 29...
Irish-American Movies
Outing Riley
The death of the father of an Irish-Catholic family prompts one son in his 30s to come out as gay to his brothers. Starring Pete Jones, Nathan Fillion, and Stoney Westmoreland. Directed by Pete Jones.
Outing Riley
The death of the father of an Irish-Catholic family prompts one son in his 30s to come out as gay to his brothers. Starring Pete Jones, Nathan Fillion, and Stoney Westmoreland. Directed by Pete Jones.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Irish Thought for December 28...
Irish Proverbs
There is many a ship lost within sight of the harbor.
There is many a ship lost within sight of the harbor.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Irish Thought for December 27...
Irish-American Celebrities
Laurette Taylor
Sometimes considered to be the best stage actress of the 20th century, Taylor was born in New York City to Irish-American parents. She was also a silent film actress, starring in the adaptation of her best-known dramatic role in Peg O' My Heart.
Laurette Taylor
Sometimes considered to be the best stage actress of the 20th century, Taylor was born in New York City to Irish-American parents. She was also a silent film actress, starring in the adaptation of her best-known dramatic role in Peg O' My Heart.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Irish Thought for December 26...
I showed my appreciation for my native land in the usual Irish way by getting out of it as soon as I possibly could.
-George Bernard Shaw
I showed my appreciation for my native land in the usual Irish way by getting out of it as soon as I possibly could.
-George Bernard Shaw
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Irish Thought for December 25...
Irish Trivia
Since the 1800s, the Irish police carried wooden truncheons, but their weapon was recently replaced with lightweight retractable batons. Sometimes notched with impressive carvings and a historical record of names, the truncheons were passed down through generations of the Guard of the Peace of Ireland, the police force commonly known as Gardaí.
An Irish prayer to bless you at Christmas, from the KC Irish Fest Staff...
Give us wisdom to seek you,
Light to guide us to you,
And joy as we come before you,
Our God and King forever.
Arise, shine; for you light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
Isaiah 60:1
Since the 1800s, the Irish police carried wooden truncheons, but their weapon was recently replaced with lightweight retractable batons. Sometimes notched with impressive carvings and a historical record of names, the truncheons were passed down through generations of the Guard of the Peace of Ireland, the police force commonly known as Gardaí.
An Irish prayer to bless you at Christmas, from the KC Irish Fest Staff...
Give us wisdom to seek you,
Light to guide us to you,
And joy as we come before you,
Our God and King forever.
Arise, shine; for you light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
Isaiah 60:1
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Irish Thought for December 24...
Irish Drink
Cavan Cola
Introduced locally in Cavan, Ireland, in 1978, this dark cola had a dark brown, frothy head and a distinctive taste that set it apart from other sodas. Cavan Cola was so popular in the area that it went national in the early 1990s, becoming a nationwide phenomenon. In 1995, the business was bought by another company, who began phasing it out. By 2001, Cavan Cola had disappeared, even in Cavan, despite various online campaigns currently endeavoring to resurrect the beverage.
Cavan Cola
Introduced locally in Cavan, Ireland, in 1978, this dark cola had a dark brown, frothy head and a distinctive taste that set it apart from other sodas. Cavan Cola was so popular in the area that it went national in the early 1990s, becoming a nationwide phenomenon. In 1995, the business was bought by another company, who began phasing it out. By 2001, Cavan Cola had disappeared, even in Cavan, despite various online campaigns currently endeavoring to resurrect the beverage.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Irish Thought for December 23...
Irish Blessings
May you live to be a hundred years, with one extra year to repent!
May you live to be a hundred years, with one extra year to repent!
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Irish Thought for December 21...
Irish-American Movies
Ash Wednesday
Set in New York City in 1983, this movie follows two Irish-American brothers (Edward Burns and Elijah Wood) who get mixed up with the Irish mob. Directed by Edward Burns.
Ash Wednesday
Set in New York City in 1983, this movie follows two Irish-American brothers (Edward Burns and Elijah Wood) who get mixed up with the Irish mob. Directed by Edward Burns.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Irish Thought for December 20...
There was an Old Man of Kilkenny,
Who never had more than a penny;
He spent all that money,
In onions and honey,
That wayward Old Man of Kilkenny.
There was an Old Man of Kilkenny,
Who never had more than a penny;
He spent all that money,
In onions and honey,
That wayward Old Man of Kilkenny.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Irish Thought for December 18...
Irish Blessings
May the pitcher be filled with wine instead of water the next time you call to the house.
May the pitcher be filled with wine instead of water the next time you call to the house.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Irish Thought for December 17...
Irish-American Celebrities
Art Carney
Gaining fame for his portrayal of the original wacky neighbor Ed Norton in the classic television show The Honeymooners, Art Carney won six Emmy Awards. He also won a Best Actor Oscar in 1974 for his role in the film Harry and Tonto.
Art Carney
Gaining fame for his portrayal of the original wacky neighbor Ed Norton in the classic television show The Honeymooners, Art Carney won six Emmy Awards. He also won a Best Actor Oscar in 1974 for his role in the film Harry and Tonto.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Irish Thought for December 16...
Irish-American Movies
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
The impoverished Irish-American Nolan family struggles to survive with a father battling alcoholism in 1900s New York as their intelligent daughter Katie (Dorothy McGuire) comes of age. James Dunn, as the father, won the Academy Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. Directed by Elia Kazan.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
The impoverished Irish-American Nolan family struggles to survive with a father battling alcoholism in 1900s New York as their intelligent daughter Katie (Dorothy McGuire) comes of age. James Dunn, as the father, won the Academy Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. Directed by Elia Kazan.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Irish Thought for December 15...
Irish Blessings
May your neighbors respect you,
trouble neglect you,
the angels protect you,
and heaven accept you.
May your neighbors respect you,
trouble neglect you,
the angels protect you,
and heaven accept you.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Irish Thought for December 14...
Irish Folklore
The Banshee
This female fairy or spirit is often considered to be a harbinger of death or a messenger from the Otherworld. Her loud, sharp wailing is meant as a lament for the foretold death of a member of certain families in Ireland, those with most ancient lineages. Her cries are also called keening, which comes from the Gaelic, caoineadh, meaning lament, and they are most often heard at night near the woods. Although seen rarely, a banshee sometimes appears as a withered hag and sometimes as a woman of spectacular beauty. There is no harm in seeing her...unless she is spotted in the act of keening, which is a certain sigh of a mortal's impending death. Banshees are said to have followed the true Irish wherever they have settled on Earth.
The Banshee
This female fairy or spirit is often considered to be a harbinger of death or a messenger from the Otherworld. Her loud, sharp wailing is meant as a lament for the foretold death of a member of certain families in Ireland, those with most ancient lineages. Her cries are also called keening, which comes from the Gaelic, caoineadh, meaning lament, and they are most often heard at night near the woods. Although seen rarely, a banshee sometimes appears as a withered hag and sometimes as a woman of spectacular beauty. There is no harm in seeing her...unless she is spotted in the act of keening, which is a certain sigh of a mortal's impending death. Banshees are said to have followed the true Irish wherever they have settled on Earth.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Irish Thought for December 12...
Irish-American Celebrities
Grace Kelly
In 1953, beautiful, icy blonde Grace Kelly gained fame in the movie Mogambo and won an Academy Award for her performance in The Country Girl. She only appeared in a handful of movies, including the Alfred Hitchcock thrillers Dial M for Murder, Rear Window, and To Catch a Thief, before she retired at age 26 when she married Prince Rainier III and became Her Serene Highness the Princess of Monaco. Princess Grace died in a car crash at the age of 52.
Grace Kelly
In 1953, beautiful, icy blonde Grace Kelly gained fame in the movie Mogambo and won an Academy Award for her performance in The Country Girl. She only appeared in a handful of movies, including the Alfred Hitchcock thrillers Dial M for Murder, Rear Window, and To Catch a Thief, before she retired at age 26 when she married Prince Rainier III and became Her Serene Highness the Princess of Monaco. Princess Grace died in a car crash at the age of 52.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Irish Thought for December 11...
Irishness is not primarily a question of birth or blood or language; it is the condition of being involved in the Irish situations, and usually of being mauled by it.
-Conor Cruise O'Brien
Irishness is not primarily a question of birth or blood or language; it is the condition of being involved in the Irish situations, and usually of being mauled by it.
-Conor Cruise O'Brien
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Irish Thought for December 10...
Irish Trivia
Although there is not as yet a financial backer for the project, a tunnel under the sea linking Wales to Ireland has been recommended by the Irish Academy of Engineers, who envision a submerged railway with trains running at speeds in excess of 150 mph.
Although there is not as yet a financial backer for the project, a tunnel under the sea linking Wales to Ireland has been recommended by the Irish Academy of Engineers, who envision a submerged railway with trains running at speeds in excess of 150 mph.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Irish Thought for December 9...
Irish Food
Irish Stew
Originally a thick and hearty peasant dish created with readily available and inexpensive local ingredients such as lamb (or beef), potatoes, onions, turnips, parsnips, carrots, and parsley, Irish stew is so popular and nostalgic that recent have been exalted with near-gourmet status Called ballymaloe or stobhach gaelach in Gaelic, Irish stew is sometimes favored with Guinness stout.
Irish Stew
Originally a thick and hearty peasant dish created with readily available and inexpensive local ingredients such as lamb (or beef), potatoes, onions, turnips, parsnips, carrots, and parsley, Irish stew is so popular and nostalgic that recent have been exalted with near-gourmet status Called ballymaloe or stobhach gaelach in Gaelic, Irish stew is sometimes favored with Guinness stout.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Irish Thought for December 8...
Irish Movies
Widow's Peak
When a newcomer moves into an area populated mainly by widows, her mysterious nature causes much consternation. Starring Joan Plowright, Mia Farrow, and Natasha Richardson. Directed by John Irvin.
Widow's Peak
When a newcomer moves into an area populated mainly by widows, her mysterious nature causes much consternation. Starring Joan Plowright, Mia Farrow, and Natasha Richardson. Directed by John Irvin.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Irish Thought for December 7...
Irish Proverbs
Both your friend and your enemy think you will never die.
Both your friend and your enemy think you will never die.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Irish Thought for November 6...
There was an Old Man with a flute,
A sarpint ran into his boot;
But he played day and night,
Till the sarpint took flight,
And avoided that man with a flute.
Sarpint means serpent or snake.
There was an Old Man with a flute,
A sarpint ran into his boot;
But he played day and night,
Till the sarpint took flight,
And avoided that man with a flute.
Sarpint means serpent or snake.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Irish Thought for December 5...
Irish-American Heroes
Nellie Taylor Ross became the first female governor in the United States when she was elected in Wyoming in 1924. She later became first female director of the U.S. Mint in 1933.
Nellie Taylor Ross became the first female governor in the United States when she was elected in Wyoming in 1924. She later became first female director of the U.S. Mint in 1933.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Irish Thought for December 4...
Irish Writers
William Butler Yeats
Born in Dublin, the poet and dramatist William Butler Yeats is considered to be one of the most important writers of the 20th century literature. In 1923, he was the first Irishman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, although he is often credited with being one of the rare writers who composed his best work, including 1929's, The Winding Stair and Other Poems, after the award was given.
William Butler Yeats
Born in Dublin, the poet and dramatist William Butler Yeats is considered to be one of the most important writers of the 20th century literature. In 1923, he was the first Irishman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, although he is often credited with being one of the rare writers who composed his best work, including 1929's, The Winding Stair and Other Poems, after the award was given.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Irish Thought for December 3...
Irish-American Celebrities
Bill Murray
After gaining attention on Saturday Night Live, Bill Murray became successful in the movie comedies Caddyshack, Ghostbusters, and Groundhog Day. He was nominated for an Oscar in 2003 for his role in Lost in Translation. Murray continues to act, notably in the films of Wes Anderson.
Bill Murray
After gaining attention on Saturday Night Live, Bill Murray became successful in the movie comedies Caddyshack, Ghostbusters, and Groundhog Day. He was nominated for an Oscar in 2003 for his role in Lost in Translation. Murray continues to act, notably in the films of Wes Anderson.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Irish Thought for December 2...
Irish Blessings
May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, and may trouble avoid you wherever you go.
May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, and may trouble avoid you wherever you go.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Irish Thought for December 1...
Irish-American Facts
The first European in the crew of Christopher Columbus' 1492 expedition to walk on North American land was Irish-born Patrick Maguire.
The first European in the crew of Christopher Columbus' 1492 expedition to walk on North American land was Irish-born Patrick Maguire.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Irish Thought for November 30...
Ireland is where strange tales begin and happy endings are possible.
-Charles Haughey
Ireland is where strange tales begin and happy endings are possible.
-Charles Haughey
Friday, November 29, 2013
Irish Thought for November 29...
Irish Drink
One of he most successful beer brands worldwide, Guinness is extremely popular with the Irish both in Ireland and wherever they have settled. It is something of a national symbol, and the best-selling alcoholic drink in Ireland, with sales of nearly $2.5 billion annually. A dry stout that originated in the brewery of Arthur Guinness in Dublin, the beer has a distinctive burnt flavor that comes from the use of roasted barley that hasn't been malted (and not from the addition of meat, as is sometimes rumored). Although the Guinness breweries won't confirm if they still follow this practice, they used to blend their freshly brewed beer with a portion of the aged brew, to add sharpness to the flavor.
One of he most successful beer brands worldwide, Guinness is extremely popular with the Irish both in Ireland and wherever they have settled. It is something of a national symbol, and the best-selling alcoholic drink in Ireland, with sales of nearly $2.5 billion annually. A dry stout that originated in the brewery of Arthur Guinness in Dublin, the beer has a distinctive burnt flavor that comes from the use of roasted barley that hasn't been malted (and not from the addition of meat, as is sometimes rumored). Although the Guinness breweries won't confirm if they still follow this practice, they used to blend their freshly brewed beer with a portion of the aged brew, to add sharpness to the flavor.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Irish Thought for November 28...
Irish Blessings
May the friendships you make
be those which endure,
and all of your gray clouds
be small ones for sure.
May the friendships you make
be those which endure,
and all of your gray clouds
be small ones for sure.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Irish Thought for November 27...
Irish-American Movies
Mystic River
Estranged friends from their childhood in an Irish-American area of Boston, three men reunite when one's daughter is killed, which dredges up disturbing echoes from the past and incites revenge. Starring Sean Penn (who won the Academy Award for Best Actor), Time Robbins (who won Best Actor in a Supporting Role), Kevin Bacon, and Marcia Gay Harden. Directed by Clint Eastwood.
This movie is a powerful story. When I first saw this movie, I cried for 5 hours afterwards. My husband thought I was having a mental breakdown. I have never been able to watch the movie again. I think the experience would be like every time I watch An Affair to Remember. I can watch 2 minutes of the movie, then I start saying lines in my head, and then I cry. At least the latter movie ends in a somewhat positive place. Mystic River just rips your heart apart and lets it lie. I would recommend this movie in a heartbeat, but I would also stress to have somewhere happy to go after the movie is over. Otherwise, this movie could be like "Gloomy Sunday" in Hungary (look it up if you want to know what I mean with that remark).
Mystic River
Estranged friends from their childhood in an Irish-American area of Boston, three men reunite when one's daughter is killed, which dredges up disturbing echoes from the past and incites revenge. Starring Sean Penn (who won the Academy Award for Best Actor), Time Robbins (who won Best Actor in a Supporting Role), Kevin Bacon, and Marcia Gay Harden. Directed by Clint Eastwood.
This movie is a powerful story. When I first saw this movie, I cried for 5 hours afterwards. My husband thought I was having a mental breakdown. I have never been able to watch the movie again. I think the experience would be like every time I watch An Affair to Remember. I can watch 2 minutes of the movie, then I start saying lines in my head, and then I cry. At least the latter movie ends in a somewhat positive place. Mystic River just rips your heart apart and lets it lie. I would recommend this movie in a heartbeat, but I would also stress to have somewhere happy to go after the movie is over. Otherwise, this movie could be like "Gloomy Sunday" in Hungary (look it up if you want to know what I mean with that remark).
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Irish Thought for November 26...
Irish Musicians
Van Morrison
The critically acclaimed and popular Northern Irish singer-songwriter Van Morrison was born on August 31, 1945. Known for his prickly and idiosyncratic personality as well as his transcendental live performances, Van Morrison has made the studio albums Astral Weeks and Moondance, which are often regarded as among the greatest ever recorded.
Van Morrison
The critically acclaimed and popular Northern Irish singer-songwriter Van Morrison was born on August 31, 1945. Known for his prickly and idiosyncratic personality as well as his transcendental live performances, Van Morrison has made the studio albums Astral Weeks and Moondance, which are often regarded as among the greatest ever recorded.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Irish Thought for November 23...
There was an Old Person whose habits,
Induced him to feed upon rabbits;
When he'd eaten eighteen,
He turned perfectly green,
Upon which he relinquished those habits.
There was an Old Person whose habits,
Induced him to feed upon rabbits;
When he'd eaten eighteen,
He turned perfectly green,
Upon which he relinquished those habits.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Irish Thought for November 22...
Other people have a nationality. The Irish and the Jews have a psychosis.
-Brendan Behan
Other people have a nationality. The Irish and the Jews have a psychosis.
-Brendan Behan
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Irish Thought for November 20...
Irish Trivia
One Irish legend suggests that if you hear a ringing in your ears, it signifies that a dead friend is ringing a bell from where he or she is trapped in Purgatory, begging for your prayers.
One Irish legend suggests that if you hear a ringing in your ears, it signifies that a dead friend is ringing a bell from where he or she is trapped in Purgatory, begging for your prayers.
Irish Thought for November 19...
Irish Etymology
possibly from whobub, an Irish term for "confused noise" from the 1550s.
possibly from whobub, an Irish term for "confused noise" from the 1550s.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Irish Thought for November 18...
Irish Movies
The Dead
Based on the great short story by James Joyce from his collection Dubliners, The Dead tells the delicate story of a man and wife going to dinner at the home of the man's spinster aunts, and the secrets revealed that night that shake their relationship. Starring Anjelica Huston, Donal McCann and Dan O'Herlihy. Directed by John Huston.
The Dead
Based on the great short story by James Joyce from his collection Dubliners, The Dead tells the delicate story of a man and wife going to dinner at the home of the man's spinster aunts, and the secrets revealed that night that shake their relationship. Starring Anjelica Huston, Donal McCann and Dan O'Herlihy. Directed by John Huston.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Irish Thought for November 17...
Irish Drink
Irish Breakfast Tea
A brisk, strong blend of tea from the Assam region of India, mixed with other black teas (often highland Ceylon teas), this internationally popular brew has a rich, malted flavor. The brewed tea is generally colored dark red to brown, and is often served with a drop of cream and sugar, or sugar and lemon, to mellow out the intense flavor, although hardcore aficionados drink it straight. Despite the name, the tea is regularly enjoyed any time of day. It is known in Ireland simply as tea, and sold under brand names such as Barry's and Lyons.
Irish Breakfast Tea
A brisk, strong blend of tea from the Assam region of India, mixed with other black teas (often highland Ceylon teas), this internationally popular brew has a rich, malted flavor. The brewed tea is generally colored dark red to brown, and is often served with a drop of cream and sugar, or sugar and lemon, to mellow out the intense flavor, although hardcore aficionados drink it straight. Despite the name, the tea is regularly enjoyed any time of day. It is known in Ireland simply as tea, and sold under brand names such as Barry's and Lyons.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Irish Thought for November 16...
Irish-Americans by the Numbers
Four locations in the United States have names that include the word shamrock: Mount Gay-Shamrock, WV; Shamrock, TX; Shamrock Lakes, IN; and Shamrock, OK.
Four locations in the United States have names that include the word shamrock: Mount Gay-Shamrock, WV; Shamrock, TX; Shamrock Lakes, IN; and Shamrock, OK.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Irish Thought for November 15...
Irish Folklore
There is much debate about whether cluricauns are simply leprechauns out on an all-night bender after work, or whether they are a more rambunctious, ill-tempered, nocturnal cousin. Cluricauns do resemble leprechauns, besides a rosy, inebriated blush around the nose and the fact that they are never seen in work clothes. They are known to drunkenly entertain themselves by capturing farm animals or goats and race them in bogs or fields. Cluricauns can sometimes by found in wealthy men's cellars, drinking wine and breaking bottles, but if they are cut off from their alcohol supply, they will move on to pester someone else.
There is much debate about whether cluricauns are simply leprechauns out on an all-night bender after work, or whether they are a more rambunctious, ill-tempered, nocturnal cousin. Cluricauns do resemble leprechauns, besides a rosy, inebriated blush around the nose and the fact that they are never seen in work clothes. They are known to drunkenly entertain themselves by capturing farm animals or goats and race them in bogs or fields. Cluricauns can sometimes by found in wealthy men's cellars, drinking wine and breaking bottles, but if they are cut off from their alcohol supply, they will move on to pester someone else.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Irish Thought for November 14...
Irish Food
Dublin Lawyer
This traditional and delicious dish is a mixture of lobster meat, butter, heavy dream, and whiskey. The rather heavy and costly ingredients make it a treat rather than an everyday meal. One theory about the origins of the name is that it is a descriptive joke, as Dublin lawyers are supposedly often rich, fat, and intoxicated, which matches the dish's ingredients.
Dublin Lawyer
This traditional and delicious dish is a mixture of lobster meat, butter, heavy dream, and whiskey. The rather heavy and costly ingredients make it a treat rather than an everyday meal. One theory about the origins of the name is that it is a descriptive joke, as Dublin lawyers are supposedly often rich, fat, and intoxicated, which matches the dish's ingredients.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Irish Thought for November 13...
Irish Proverbs
The three sharpest eyes are a blacksmith on a nail, a priest on his parish, and a young girl on a boy.
The three sharpest eyes are a blacksmith on a nail, a priest on his parish, and a young girl on a boy.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Irish Thought for November 12...
An Irishman can be worried by the consciousness that there is nothing to worry about.
-Austin O'Malley
An Irishman can be worried by the consciousness that there is nothing to worry about.
-Austin O'Malley
Monday, November 11, 2013
Irish Thought for November 11...
Irish Writers
Seamus Heaney
Born in Bellaghy, Seamus Heaney is a highly influential and beloved poet with a particularly Irish writing voice and universal themes. In the United Kingdom, two-thirds of the sales of all living poets are of Heaney's works. In 1995, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature, and in 2006, he was awarded the T.S. Eliot Prize. Heaney just recently died this August.
Seamus Heaney
Born in Bellaghy, Seamus Heaney is a highly influential and beloved poet with a particularly Irish writing voice and universal themes. In the United Kingdom, two-thirds of the sales of all living poets are of Heaney's works. In 1995, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature, and in 2006, he was awarded the T.S. Eliot Prize. Heaney just recently died this August.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Irish Thought for November 10...
Irish-American Celebrities
Bing Crosby
Harry "Bing" Crosby's distinctive bass-baritone croon helped make him one of the most successful singers ever, selling more than 500 million records in his lifetime. His biggest hit was his version of Irving Berlin's "White Christmas" which remains the best-selling song of all time. Crosby also won a Best Actor Oscar for the film Going My Way in 1944.
Bing Crosby
Harry "Bing" Crosby's distinctive bass-baritone croon helped make him one of the most successful singers ever, selling more than 500 million records in his lifetime. His biggest hit was his version of Irving Berlin's "White Christmas" which remains the best-selling song of all time. Crosby also won a Best Actor Oscar for the film Going My Way in 1944.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Irish Thought for November 9...
Irish-American Heroes
Colin P. Kelly, Jr.
The pilot in the first American B-17 to be shot down in combat during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Colin P. Kelly, Jr. was decorated for sacrificing his own life to save members of his crew.
Colin P. Kelly, Jr.
The pilot in the first American B-17 to be shot down in combat during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Colin P. Kelly, Jr. was decorated for sacrificing his own life to save members of his crew.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Irish Thought for November 8...
There was a Young Lady whose eyes,
Were unique as to color and size;
When she opened them wide,
People all turned aside,
And started away in surprise.
There was a Young Lady whose eyes,
Were unique as to color and size;
When she opened them wide,
People all turned aside,
And started away in surprise.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Irish Thought for November 7...
Irish Toasts
There are good ships and there are wood ships,
the ship that sail the sea.
But the best ships are friendships,
and may they always be.
There are good ships and there are wood ships,
the ship that sail the sea.
But the best ships are friendships,
and may they always be.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Irish Thought for November 6...
Irish-American Movies
Good Will Hunting
A wayward Irish-American mathematical genius (Matt Damon) gets on track thanks to the help of a sympathetic psychologist (Robin Williams - who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor). Matt Damon and Ben Affleck also won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. Directed by Gus Van Sant.
Good Will Hunting
A wayward Irish-American mathematical genius (Matt Damon) gets on track thanks to the help of a sympathetic psychologist (Robin Williams - who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor). Matt Damon and Ben Affleck also won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. Directed by Gus Van Sant.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Irish Thought for November 5...
Irish Blessings
As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction.
As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Irish Thought for November 3...
Irish Trivia
After living much of his life in a hermitage in County Kilkenny in the 6th century, reluctant holy man Saint Fiacre was canonized and became the patron saint of gardeners and venereal disease sufferers. He has also been know to cure hemorrhoids, which, in the Middle Ages, were called "Saint Fiacre's illness."
After living much of his life in a hermitage in County Kilkenny in the 6th century, reluctant holy man Saint Fiacre was canonized and became the patron saint of gardeners and venereal disease sufferers. He has also been know to cure hemorrhoids, which, in the Middle Ages, were called "Saint Fiacre's illness."
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Irish Thought for November 2...
For the young Gaels of Ireland
are the lads that drive me mad.
For half their words need footnotes
and half their rhymes are bad.
-Arthur Guiterman
For the young Gaels of Ireland
are the lads that drive me mad.
For half their words need footnotes
and half their rhymes are bad.
-Arthur Guiterman
Friday, November 1, 2013
Irish Thought for November 1...
Irish Symbols
The claddagh, created with two small hands holding a crowned heart, is inspired by the warm, romantic spirit of the Irish people, and became a symbol of purity and loyalty in the royal courts. In modern times, it has come to signify undying devotion and faithfulness, and rings featuring the design are popular gifts between lovers.
The claddagh, created with two small hands holding a crowned heart, is inspired by the warm, romantic spirit of the Irish people, and became a symbol of purity and loyalty in the royal courts. In modern times, it has come to signify undying devotion and faithfulness, and rings featuring the design are popular gifts between lovers.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Irish Thought for October 31...
Irish Musicians
Formed in Dublin, Ireland, in 1976, U2 is an internationally renowned rock band. The famous members of U2 are Bono on vocals and guitar, the Edge on guitar, keyboards, and vocals, Adam Clayton on bass guitar, and Larry Mullen, Jr., on drums. One of the most commercially and critically successful musical groups in the world, U2 have sold more than 150 million copies of their twelve studio albums. They have won 22 Grammy Awards, more than any other band. U2 was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2005. They are also well-known for their philanthropic work.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! Be safe and get lots of candy!
Formed in Dublin, Ireland, in 1976, U2 is an internationally renowned rock band. The famous members of U2 are Bono on vocals and guitar, the Edge on guitar, keyboards, and vocals, Adam Clayton on bass guitar, and Larry Mullen, Jr., on drums. One of the most commercially and critically successful musical groups in the world, U2 have sold more than 150 million copies of their twelve studio albums. They have won 22 Grammy Awards, more than any other band. U2 was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2005. They are also well-known for their philanthropic work.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! Be safe and get lots of candy!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Irish Thought for October 30...
Irish Etymology
Perhaps from the rough, stout shoe worn by rural Irish and Scottish highlanders called a broce. Or perhaps from the Irish barrog, meaning "a hold," particularly of the tongue.
Perhaps from the rough, stout shoe worn by rural Irish and Scottish highlanders called a broce. Or perhaps from the Irish barrog, meaning "a hold," particularly of the tongue.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Irish Thought for October 29...
Irish Writers
Patrick O'Brian
Although he was born Richard Patrick Russ in England, O'Brian encouraged the notion that he was Irish, and he died in Dublin in 2000. He is best known for his well-researched Aubrey-Maturin series of naval novels set during the Napoleonic Wars, which focus on the adventures and friendship of an English Captain Jack Aubrey and Irish Dr. Stephen Maturin. His novel The Far Side of the World was the basis for the movie Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, although it also draws on incidents from several of the Aubrey-Maturin books.
Patrick O'Brian
Although he was born Richard Patrick Russ in England, O'Brian encouraged the notion that he was Irish, and he died in Dublin in 2000. He is best known for his well-researched Aubrey-Maturin series of naval novels set during the Napoleonic Wars, which focus on the adventures and friendship of an English Captain Jack Aubrey and Irish Dr. Stephen Maturin. His novel The Far Side of the World was the basis for the movie Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, although it also draws on incidents from several of the Aubrey-Maturin books.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Irish Thought for October 28...
Irish Blessings
May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and the road downhill all the way to your door.
May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and the road downhill all the way to your door.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Irish Thought for October 27...
Irish Proverbs
Drink is the curse of the land. It makes you fight with your neighbor. It makes you shoot at your landlord AND it makes you miss him.
Drink is the curse of the land. It makes you fight with your neighbor. It makes you shoot at your landlord AND it makes you miss him.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Irish Thought for October 26...
There was an Old Man who supposed,
That the street door was partially closed;
But some very large rats,
Ate his coats and his hats,
While that futile old gentleman dozed.
There was an Old Man who supposed,
That the street door was partially closed;
But some very large rats,
Ate his coats and his hats,
While that futile old gentleman dozed.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Irish Thought for October 25...
Irish Toasts
Here's to it and for it and do it again.
For those that to it
and refuse to do it,
may never get to it
to go it again.
I had to think about that toast for a few moments before I thought I understood what was being said.
Here's to it and for it and do it again.
For those that to it
and refuse to do it,
may never get to it
to go it again.
I had to think about that toast for a few moments before I thought I understood what was being said.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Irish Thought for October 24...
Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fat.
-Alex Levine
Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fat.
-Alex Levine
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Irish Thought for October 23...
Irish-American Celebrities
Conan O'Brien
The television host and comedy writer Conan O'Brien started his career writing for the television series Not Necessarily the News, Saturday Night Live, and The Simpsons. In 1993, he was chosen to host the comedic talk show Late Night with Conan O'Brien, where he gained acclaim until 2009, when he jumped over to the ill-fated and short-lived The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien. He is now the host of the talk show Conan.
Conan O'Brien
The television host and comedy writer Conan O'Brien started his career writing for the television series Not Necessarily the News, Saturday Night Live, and The Simpsons. In 1993, he was chosen to host the comedic talk show Late Night with Conan O'Brien, where he gained acclaim until 2009, when he jumped over to the ill-fated and short-lived The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien. He is now the host of the talk show Conan.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Irish Thought for October 22...
Irish Folklore
Glas Gaivlen
A sacred, fairy cow that appears to mortals on May Day to bring good fortune to farmers whose fields they cross, the Glas Gaivlen is usually described as milk-white, studded with spots of bright green. In whichever fields she walks on, the crops are more bountiful, with larger potatoes and sweeter grass. Sometimes it is suggested that the Glas Gaivlen resides in the sea for the res of the year.
Glas Gaivlen
A sacred, fairy cow that appears to mortals on May Day to bring good fortune to farmers whose fields they cross, the Glas Gaivlen is usually described as milk-white, studded with spots of bright green. In whichever fields she walks on, the crops are more bountiful, with larger potatoes and sweeter grass. Sometimes it is suggested that the Glas Gaivlen resides in the sea for the res of the year.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Irish Thought for October 21...
Irish Writers
Samuel Beckett
Born in Dublin, Samuel Beckett, widely regarded as one of the most important writers of the 20th century, was an avant-garde dramatist, novelist, and poet, perhaps best known for his play Waiting for Godot. He is often considered one of the last modernists, and sometimes as a postmodernist pioneer due to his minimalist and absurdist influence on subsequent writers. In 1969, Beckett was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Samuel Beckett
Born in Dublin, Samuel Beckett, widely regarded as one of the most important writers of the 20th century, was an avant-garde dramatist, novelist, and poet, perhaps best known for his play Waiting for Godot. He is often considered one of the last modernists, and sometimes as a postmodernist pioneer due to his minimalist and absurdist influence on subsequent writers. In 1969, Beckett was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Irish Thought for October 20...
Irish Curses
Lord, confound this surly sister,
blight her brow with blotch and blister,
cramp her larynx, lung, and liver,
and in her guts a paining give her.
Lord, confound this surly sister,
blight her brow with blotch and blister,
cramp her larynx, lung, and liver,
and in her guts a paining give her.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Irish Thought for October 19...
Irish-American Movies
Finian's Rainbow
In this musical, an Irishman named Finian (Fred Astaire) arrives with his daughter Sharon (Petula Clark) in a small Southern tobacco town in fictional Missitucky where Finian has big plans for his stolen pot of gold. Unfortunately, the pair are followed by the leprechaun whose gold they stole. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola.
I love this movie. I have the movie and the soundtrack. The story mixes so many important themes while having some fun at the same time. The fun part is the leprechaun, Og, who is in the process of turning mortal due to his pot of gold being stolen (or borrowed as Finian puts it). The best part about this movie is that I enjoyed the fun parts, jokes singing, and dancing when I was young, but then I grew to see more value and depth within the movie as I grew older and learned more of the world and history.
Finian's Rainbow
In this musical, an Irishman named Finian (Fred Astaire) arrives with his daughter Sharon (Petula Clark) in a small Southern tobacco town in fictional Missitucky where Finian has big plans for his stolen pot of gold. Unfortunately, the pair are followed by the leprechaun whose gold they stole. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola.
I love this movie. I have the movie and the soundtrack. The story mixes so many important themes while having some fun at the same time. The fun part is the leprechaun, Og, who is in the process of turning mortal due to his pot of gold being stolen (or borrowed as Finian puts it). The best part about this movie is that I enjoyed the fun parts, jokes singing, and dancing when I was young, but then I grew to see more value and depth within the movie as I grew older and learned more of the world and history.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Irish Thought for October 18...
Irish Food
A type of black pudding, drisheen is made from a bend of animal blood (from a cow, pig, or sheep), milk, salt, fat, herbs, and breadcrumbs, stuffed into animal membrane casings like horseshoes. Although the delicacy is cooked as a sausage, drisheen is often fried again after slicing. The exact recipe varies widely from region to region.
Uhm, that does not sound too appealing to me!
A type of black pudding, drisheen is made from a bend of animal blood (from a cow, pig, or sheep), milk, salt, fat, herbs, and breadcrumbs, stuffed into animal membrane casings like horseshoes. Although the delicacy is cooked as a sausage, drisheen is often fried again after slicing. The exact recipe varies widely from region to region.
Uhm, that does not sound too appealing to me!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Irish Thought for October 16...
Irish Trivia
Sometime between A.D. 512 and 530, an Irish monk named Brendan of Clonfert, now one of the most popular Irish saints, set out of a sailing quest to the "Isle of the Blessed." Although the truth of Saint Brendan's travels is shrouded in legend, it is sometimes suggested that he discovered America nearly, 1,000 years before Columbus' voyage.
Sometime between A.D. 512 and 530, an Irish monk named Brendan of Clonfert, now one of the most popular Irish saints, set out of a sailing quest to the "Isle of the Blessed." Although the truth of Saint Brendan's travels is shrouded in legend, it is sometimes suggested that he discovered America nearly, 1,000 years before Columbus' voyage.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Irish Thought for October 15...
Irish-American Heroes
At the Alamo, as many as 12 of the defenders who were slain could claim Irish ancestry, among them folk hero Davy Crockett.
At the Alamo, as many as 12 of the defenders who were slain could claim Irish ancestry, among them folk hero Davy Crockett.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Irish Thought for October 14...
Irish Food
Irish Breakfast
An Irish breakfast is a large, hearty morning feast generally featuring bacon rashers, sausages, fried eggs, toast (potato bread or soda bread), white pudding and black pudding, sauteed sliced potato, fried tomato, and sauteed mushrooms. The popularity of the traditional liver that accompanied an Irish breakfast has declined. To was down all of that food, a strong breakfast tea may be necessary.
Irish Breakfast
An Irish breakfast is a large, hearty morning feast generally featuring bacon rashers, sausages, fried eggs, toast (potato bread or soda bread), white pudding and black pudding, sauteed sliced potato, fried tomato, and sauteed mushrooms. The popularity of the traditional liver that accompanied an Irish breakfast has declined. To was down all of that food, a strong breakfast tea may be necessary.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Irish Thought for October 13...
Irish-American Facts
The annual celebration of Saint Patrick's Day may be the most widely recognized symbol of the Irish presence in America. In cities throughout the United States, this traditional Irish religious holiday becomes an opportunity to celebrate all things Irish, or things believed to be Irish. The largest celebration of the holiday takes place in New York, where the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade draws an average of two million people. The second-largest celebration is held in Boston. The South Boston Parade is one of the nation's oldest, dating back to 1737. Savannah also holds one of the largest parades in the United States.
The annual celebration of Saint Patrick's Day may be the most widely recognized symbol of the Irish presence in America. In cities throughout the United States, this traditional Irish religious holiday becomes an opportunity to celebrate all things Irish, or things believed to be Irish. The largest celebration of the holiday takes place in New York, where the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade draws an average of two million people. The second-largest celebration is held in Boston. The South Boston Parade is one of the nation's oldest, dating back to 1737. Savannah also holds one of the largest parades in the United States.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Irish Thought for October 12...
Irish Blessings
May the doctor never earn a pound out of you. (nor have to take some pounds off of you!)
May the doctor never earn a pound out of you. (nor have to take some pounds off of you!)
Friday, October 11, 2013
Irish Thought for October 11...
There was a Young Lady of Dorking,
Who bought a large bonnet for walking;
But its color and size,
So bedazzled her eyes,
That she very soon went back to Dorking.
There was a Young Lady of Dorking,
Who bought a large bonnet for walking;
But its color and size,
So bedazzled her eyes,
That she very soon went back to Dorking.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Irish Thought for October 10...
Irish Etymology
from the Anglo-Irish similar term pother, or from the Irish bodhairim, meaning "I deafen."
from the Anglo-Irish similar term pother, or from the Irish bodhairim, meaning "I deafen."
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Irish Thought for October 9...
Irish Toasts
Here's to you and here's to me.
May we never disagree.
But should we start to fight and yell,
here's to me.
Here's to you and here's to me.
May we never disagree.
But should we start to fight and yell,
here's to me.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Irish Thought for October 8...
Irish-American Celebrities
Dennis Leary
Known for his acerbic comedic style, Dennis Leary has appeared as an actor in more than 40 films. He is the co-creator and star of the television show Rescue Me. He also founded the Leary Firefighters Foundation, which has raised and distributed millions of dollars for equipment and facilities for East Coast fire departments.
Dennis Leary
Known for his acerbic comedic style, Dennis Leary has appeared as an actor in more than 40 films. He is the co-creator and star of the television show Rescue Me. He also founded the Leary Firefighters Foundation, which has raised and distributed millions of dollars for equipment and facilities for East Coast fire departments.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Irish Thought for October 6...
Irish Folklore
The leprechaun is a solitary creature, focusing all of his attention on making shoes. He can usually be found holding both a shoe and a cobbling hammer. Leprechauns are the size of a bulky young boy, with wrinkled faces, gleaming eyes, and surprisingly graceful movements. They are also known for their love of beer, foul language, and smoking pipes called dudeens. Besides making shoes, leprechauns guard fairy treasure from mortals, although their hidden stashes are revealed by rainbows. If a mortal can catch a reclusive leprechaun and demand its treasure, the leprechaun has no choice but to comply, but this happens incredibly rarely. There is no such thing as a female leprechaun (that we know of!!!)
The leprechaun is a solitary creature, focusing all of his attention on making shoes. He can usually be found holding both a shoe and a cobbling hammer. Leprechauns are the size of a bulky young boy, with wrinkled faces, gleaming eyes, and surprisingly graceful movements. They are also known for their love of beer, foul language, and smoking pipes called dudeens. Besides making shoes, leprechauns guard fairy treasure from mortals, although their hidden stashes are revealed by rainbows. If a mortal can catch a reclusive leprechaun and demand its treasure, the leprechaun has no choice but to comply, but this happens incredibly rarely. There is no such thing as a female leprechaun (that we know of!!!)
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Irish Thought for October 5...
Irish-American Celebrities
Ed Sullivan
Best known as the host of The Ed Sullivan Show, a television variety program, entertainment columnist Ed Sullivan presented musical, vaudeville, and novelty acts to his audience from 1948 to 1971, making the show one of the longest-running variety shows in television history. During its run, the program showcased popular entertainers such as Elvis Presley, the Beatles, the Supremes, the Jackson Five, and Topo Gigio.
Ed Sullivan
Best known as the host of The Ed Sullivan Show, a television variety program, entertainment columnist Ed Sullivan presented musical, vaudeville, and novelty acts to his audience from 1948 to 1971, making the show one of the longest-running variety shows in television history. During its run, the program showcased popular entertainers such as Elvis Presley, the Beatles, the Supremes, the Jackson Five, and Topo Gigio.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Irish Thought for October 4...
What was it that made Maggie leave Ireland, forsake her siblings and parents and flee to New York in the 1800s, we never knew. We yearned to know, because she was the first in a long line of leavers, the matriarch of a clan of men and women who made mysterious and dramatic exits. But her reason for leaving must have been too awful, too painful, because Maggie was said to be a born storyteller, and that story was the one she would never tell.
-J.R. Moehringer
What was it that made Maggie leave Ireland, forsake her siblings and parents and flee to New York in the 1800s, we never knew. We yearned to know, because she was the first in a long line of leavers, the matriarch of a clan of men and women who made mysterious and dramatic exits. But her reason for leaving must have been too awful, too painful, because Maggie was said to be a born storyteller, and that story was the one she would never tell.
-J.R. Moehringer
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Irish Thought for October 3...
Irish Movies
The Mighty Celt
With the volatile politics of Ireland as a backdrop, a young kennel worker learns about life while racing his favorite greyhound dog at the track. Starring Ken Scott, Tyrone McKenna, and Gillian Anderson. Directed by Pearse Elliott.
The Mighty Celt
With the volatile politics of Ireland as a backdrop, a young kennel worker learns about life while racing his favorite greyhound dog at the track. Starring Ken Scott, Tyrone McKenna, and Gillian Anderson. Directed by Pearse Elliott.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Irish Thought for October 2...
Irish Food
Champ or Poundies
Also known as cally or pandy, cnamp is a dish of mashed potatoes mixed with milk and scallions, formed into a peak with a well of melted butter in the middle. The traditional method of eating champ calls for spooning the mashed potatoes from the outer edge and dipping each bite into the well of butter. The word champ can be defined as "to mash, grind, or crush," which is how champ also go the name poundies.
Champ or Poundies
Also known as cally or pandy, cnamp is a dish of mashed potatoes mixed with milk and scallions, formed into a peak with a well of melted butter in the middle. The traditional method of eating champ calls for spooning the mashed potatoes from the outer edge and dipping each bite into the well of butter. The word champ can be defined as "to mash, grind, or crush," which is how champ also go the name poundies.
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Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Irish Thought for October 1...
Irish Proverbs
A change of work is as good as a rest.
I got sent an awesome picture of the young gentlemen who gave me a name. I love his love of cows! Thank you again Asher for the perfect name!!!!!
A change of work is as good as a rest.
I got sent an awesome picture of the young gentlemen who gave me a name. I love his love of cows! Thank you again Asher for the perfect name!!!!!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Irish Thought for September 30...
Irish Toasts
Here's to a generation of children on the children of your children!
Here's to a generation of children on the children of your children!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Irish Thought for September 29...
Irish-American Movies
The Long Gray Line
Tyrone Power and Maureen O'Hara star in this biography of a humble and strong-willed immigrant from Ireland, who has an impressive career that spans 50 years at the West Point United States Military Academy. Directed by John Ford.
The Long Gray Line
Tyrone Power and Maureen O'Hara star in this biography of a humble and strong-willed immigrant from Ireland, who has an impressive career that spans 50 years at the West Point United States Military Academy. Directed by John Ford.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Irish Thought for September 28...
Irish Writers
Roddy Doyle
Born in Dublin, Roddy Doyle is a screenwriter, playwright, and novelist. The movies The Commitments and The Snapper were based on his novels. Also, in 1993, Doyle won the Booker Prize for his novel Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha, a book notable for its beautiful childlike use of language.
Hmmm, I do not know what the Booker Prize is, so if I have not heard of the prize, I am guessing that there is a good reason. Therefore, I would not call this award an accomplishment. If anyone is out there that can make me believe differently, I will let you write the Irish Thought for an Upcoming Day!
Roddy Doyle
Born in Dublin, Roddy Doyle is a screenwriter, playwright, and novelist. The movies The Commitments and The Snapper were based on his novels. Also, in 1993, Doyle won the Booker Prize for his novel Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha, a book notable for its beautiful childlike use of language.
Hmmm, I do not know what the Booker Prize is, so if I have not heard of the prize, I am guessing that there is a good reason. Therefore, I would not call this award an accomplishment. If anyone is out there that can make me believe differently, I will let you write the Irish Thought for an Upcoming Day!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Irish Thought for September 27...
Irish Trivia
After a long time of inclement weather, a long sunny day that suddenly arrives in Ireland is sometimes known as a "pet day."
After a long time of inclement weather, a long sunny day that suddenly arrives in Ireland is sometimes known as a "pet day."
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Irish Thought for September 26...
There was on Old Man of Columbia,
Who was thirsty, and called out for some beer;
But they brought it quite hot,
In a small copper pot,
Which disgusted that man of Columbia.
There was on Old Man of Columbia,
Who was thirsty, and called out for some beer;
But they brought it quite hot,
In a small copper pot,
Which disgusted that man of Columbia.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Irish Thought for September 25...
Irish-Americans By The Numbers
Irish-Americans are more likely to own a home: 70 percent own instead of renting, as compared to 66 percent for all Americans.
Irish-Americans are more likely to own a home: 70 percent own instead of renting, as compared to 66 percent for all Americans.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Irish Thought for September 24...
My father was totally Irish, and so went to Ireland once. I found it to be very much like New York, for it was a beautiful country, and both the women and the men were good-looking.
-James Cagney
My father was totally Irish, and so went to Ireland once. I found it to be very much like New York, for it was a beautiful country, and both the women and the men were good-looking.
-James Cagney
Monday, September 23, 2013
Irish Thought for September 23...
Irish-American Writers
Margaret Mitchell
For her only novel published during her lifetime, the immediately popular Gone With the Wind, a novel about an Irish immigrant family living in the South during the Civil War, Margaret Mitchell received the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. Her maternal great-grandfather, Phillip Fitzgerald, emigrated from Ireland to Americ and lived on a plantation in Jonesboro, Georgia.
Margaret Mitchell
For her only novel published during her lifetime, the immediately popular Gone With the Wind, a novel about an Irish immigrant family living in the South during the Civil War, Margaret Mitchell received the Pulitzer Prize in 1937. Her maternal great-grandfather, Phillip Fitzgerald, emigrated from Ireland to Americ and lived on a plantation in Jonesboro, Georgia.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Irish Thought for September 22...
Irish Toasts
Here's to the most you wish for being the least you get.
Here's to the most you wish for being the least you get.
Irish Thought for September 21...
Irish Fest News
My name is Irish Stout. The winner is an inventive young one by the name of Asher. He came up with the name Stout for me, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew I was an Irish Stout, and so my name was born! Thanks Asher for giving me a great name!
My name is Irish Stout. The winner is an inventive young one by the name of Asher. He came up with the name Stout for me, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew I was an Irish Stout, and so my name was born! Thanks Asher for giving me a great name!
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Asher, my name giver |
Friday, September 20, 2013
Irish Thought for September 20...
Irish Folklore
The Blarney Stone
A block of bluestone known as the Blarney Stone, reputed to have magical powers, is set in a tower battlement of Blarney Castle in County Cork. The stone was placed in 1446, but its legends have been traced back centuries before that, even to Biblical tales of Moses or King David, or to local stories of a king saving an old woman who told him about the stone's powers. Kissing the Blarney Stone supposedly bequeaths someone with the gift of gab, which has been variously described as eloquence, skill at flattery, or the ability to delude someone without insulting them. Blarney Castle is a popular site for tourists, attracting more than 300,000 people annually from all over the world who come to tour the castle and kiss the Blarney Stone.
The Blarney Stone
A block of bluestone known as the Blarney Stone, reputed to have magical powers, is set in a tower battlement of Blarney Castle in County Cork. The stone was placed in 1446, but its legends have been traced back centuries before that, even to Biblical tales of Moses or King David, or to local stories of a king saving an old woman who told him about the stone's powers. Kissing the Blarney Stone supposedly bequeaths someone with the gift of gab, which has been variously described as eloquence, skill at flattery, or the ability to delude someone without insulting them. Blarney Castle is a popular site for tourists, attracting more than 300,000 people annually from all over the world who come to tour the castle and kiss the Blarney Stone.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Irish Thought for September 19...
Irish-American Heroes
Johanna Sullivan Macy, better known as Annie Sullivan, gained international fame as the tutor, governess, and companion of Helen Keller, despite her own impaired vision.
Johanna Sullivan Macy, better known as Annie Sullivan, gained international fame as the tutor, governess, and companion of Helen Keller, despite her own impaired vision.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Irish Thought for September 18...
Irish Drink
Irish Coffee
The credit for inventing this variation of the hot toddy goes to Joe Sheridan, the chef of Foyne's restaurant in County Clare in the 1940s, who mixed Irish Mist liqueur with hot coffee and sugar, and topped his creation with thick cream. Today, Irish whiskey is more commonly used, and whipped cream is often substituted for the topping, although the original recipe called for thick cream that had not been whipped. The proper way to drink Irish coffee is to sip it through the layer of cram
Irish Coffee
The credit for inventing this variation of the hot toddy goes to Joe Sheridan, the chef of Foyne's restaurant in County Clare in the 1940s, who mixed Irish Mist liqueur with hot coffee and sugar, and topped his creation with thick cream. Today, Irish whiskey is more commonly used, and whipped cream is often substituted for the topping, although the original recipe called for thick cream that had not been whipped. The proper way to drink Irish coffee is to sip it through the layer of cram
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Irish Thought for September 17...
Irish Curses
May there be guinea fowl crying at your child's birth.
May there be guinea fowl crying at your child's birth.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Irish Thought for September 16...
Irish Etymology
Meaning "old woman," started out meaning "Irish maid-servant," stemming from the pet form of the common Irish name Brigid.
Meaning "old woman," started out meaning "Irish maid-servant," stemming from the pet form of the common Irish name Brigid.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Irish Thought for September 15...
Ireland, thou friend of my country in my country's most friendless days, much injured, much enduring land, accept this poor tribute from one who esteems thy worth, and mourns thy desolation.
-George Washington
Ireland, thou friend of my country in my country's most friendless days, much injured, much enduring land, accept this poor tribute from one who esteems thy worth, and mourns thy desolation.
-George Washington
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Irish Thought for September 14...
Irish Folklore
The merrow (also known as a mermaid or sea maiden) uses her graceful beauty and irresistible siren song to lure sailors and fisherman to their doom for her amusement. The sight of her, or the sound of her song, ensures a disaster at sea, either by storm or accident. Merrows have been spotted lounging upon sea rocks and described as having a fish tail and webbing between their fingers. In some accounts, she is unclad and in other accounts, she is wears a foamy white gown. When a fisherman or sailor never returns home from the sea, it is said the he "married a merrow."
The merrow (also known as a mermaid or sea maiden) uses her graceful beauty and irresistible siren song to lure sailors and fisherman to their doom for her amusement. The sight of her, or the sound of her song, ensures a disaster at sea, either by storm or accident. Merrows have been spotted lounging upon sea rocks and described as having a fish tail and webbing between their fingers. In some accounts, she is unclad and in other accounts, she is wears a foamy white gown. When a fisherman or sailor never returns home from the sea, it is said the he "married a merrow."
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as found at |
Friday, September 13, 2013
Irish Thought for September 13...
Irish Movies
The Secret of Roan Inish
When 10-year-old Fiona goes to live with her grandparents in an Irish fishing village, she learns about the legends of the selkies - seals that transform into humans. Fiona's baby brother had been washed out to sea, and now she wonders if he is being raised by seals. Starring Jeni, Courtney, Eileen Colgan, and Mick Lally. Directed by John Sayles.
The Secret of Roan Inish
When 10-year-old Fiona goes to live with her grandparents in an Irish fishing village, she learns about the legends of the selkies - seals that transform into humans. Fiona's baby brother had been washed out to sea, and now she wonders if he is being raised by seals. Starring Jeni, Courtney, Eileen Colgan, and Mick Lally. Directed by John Sayles.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Irish Thought for September 12...
There was an Old Man of the Isles,
Whose face was pervaded with smiles;
He sung high dum diddle,
And played on the fiddle,
That amiable Man of the Isles.
There was an Old Man of the Isles,
Whose face was pervaded with smiles;
He sung high dum diddle,
And played on the fiddle,
That amiable Man of the Isles.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Irish Thought for September 11...
Irish Food
Generally served toasted with butter as part of an afternoon tea, this leavened, flattened round bread is not quite as sweet as cake but has added sultanas and raisins to add flavor and texture. As an Irish Halloween custom, barmbrack is baked with various small tokens embedded inside, and each charm found foretells the future for the finder (and I supposed each charm not found is added yummy for your tummy?!?!). The name barmbrack comes from the Gaelic Báirín Breac, a combination of the word báirín, meaning "loaf", and breac, which means "speckled", referring to the raisins in the bread.
Generally served toasted with butter as part of an afternoon tea, this leavened, flattened round bread is not quite as sweet as cake but has added sultanas and raisins to add flavor and texture. As an Irish Halloween custom, barmbrack is baked with various small tokens embedded inside, and each charm found foretells the future for the finder (and I supposed each charm not found is added yummy for your tummy?!?!). The name barmbrack comes from the Gaelic Báirín Breac, a combination of the word báirín, meaning "loaf", and breac, which means "speckled", referring to the raisins in the bread.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Irish Thought for September 10...
Irish Trivia
An old legend tells the tale of a mythical cow who boasted that the month March was unable to kill her, despite its terrible weather. So March stole three days of awful weather from April to more time to kill that cow. These "borrowed days" have come to refer to the first three days of April, which are traditionally link to bad weather.
An old legend tells the tale of a mythical cow who boasted that the month March was unable to kill her, despite its terrible weather. So March stole three days of awful weather from April to more time to kill that cow. These "borrowed days" have come to refer to the first three days of April, which are traditionally link to bad weather.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Irish Thought for September 9...
Irish Writers
Neil Jordan
Born in the town of Sligo, Neil Jordan is a filmmaker, screenwriter, and novelist with an eccentric body of work, sometimes fanciful and sometimes realistic, and often with themes of childhood or the Troubles of Northern Ireland. He won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay for The Crying Game.
Neil Jordan
Born in the town of Sligo, Neil Jordan is a filmmaker, screenwriter, and novelist with an eccentric body of work, sometimes fanciful and sometimes realistic, and often with themes of childhood or the Troubles of Northern Ireland. He won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay for The Crying Game.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Irish Thought for September 8...
When anyone asks me about the Irish character, I say look at the trees: maimed, stark, and misshapen, but ferociously tenacious.
-Edna O'Brien
When anyone asks me about the Irish character, I say look at the trees: maimed, stark, and misshapen, but ferociously tenacious.
-Edna O'Brien
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Friday, September 6, 2013
Pics from Irish Fest Part 4
A random assortment of pics...
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Mass inside Crown Center |
Me building this at home and proud of the finished product |
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The well ready for the coin guesses |
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Potato pirates. OH NO...should we be scared?!?!?! |
My favorite thing from the awesome balloon man made it home with me. I always knew I was lacking a minion! |
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Pics from Irish Fest Part 3
Here are pics of the many faces that put together and run the Children's Area at KCIF. Love and thanks to all!!!!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Pics from Irish Fest Part 2
Here are storm damage pics after that crazy thunderstorm. Good thing we have such an awesome staff running to put things back together before the magic starts! Did anyone sink in the mud the next day???
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Monday, September 2, 2013
Irish Thought for September 2...
Irish Etymology
"Emerald Isle": first appeared in a poem called "Erin," written by William Drennan in 1795.
"Emerald Isle": first appeared in a poem called "Erin," written by William Drennan in 1795.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Irish Thought for September 1...
Irish-American Facts
From the 1830s to the 1960s, Irish Catholics voted 80 - 95 percent Democratic, with occasional exceptions like the election of (crazy as a loon - IMO) Senator Joseph McCarthy, who inspired the term "McCarthyism," is a very notable Republican exception to the Irish-American connection with the Democratic Party.
From the 1830s to the 1960s, Irish Catholics voted 80 - 95 percent Democratic, with occasional exceptions like the election of (crazy as a loon - IMO) Senator Joseph McCarthy, who inspired the term "McCarthyism," is a very notable Republican exception to the Irish-American connection with the Democratic Party.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Irish Thought for August 31...
Irish Symbols
Representing the circular journey through birth, death, and spiritual rebirth, the convoluted spirals of Irish whorls suggest eternal life. Perhaps suggested by native seashells, the whorls appear on the most famous of Ireland's artistic treasures and much modern Celtic-inspired jewelry.
Representing the circular journey through birth, death, and spiritual rebirth, the convoluted spirals of Irish whorls suggest eternal life. Perhaps suggested by native seashells, the whorls appear on the most famous of Ireland's artistic treasures and much modern Celtic-inspired jewelry.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Breaking Irish Fest Kids News!!!
Get a Free Gift
We are giving away a free gift to any young one who goes to the Children's Area Merchandise Tent and says the code words Grace O'Malley. You might be expected to know something about her (best bet is that she was a famous Irish pirate).
Here is a little blurb about her for a fact or two - otherwise, search the internet!!!!!
Grace O'Malley (c. 1530 – c. 1603; also Gráinne O'Malley,[1] Irish: Gráinne Ní Mháille) was Queen of Umaill, chieftain of the Ó Máille clan and a pirate in 16th-century Ireland. She is commonly known by her nickname Granuaile in Irish folklore, and a historical figure in 16th-century Irish history, and is sometimes known as "The Sea Queen of Connaught
We are giving away a free gift to any young one who goes to the Children's Area Merchandise Tent and says the code words Grace O'Malley. You might be expected to know something about her (best bet is that she was a famous Irish pirate).
Here is a little blurb about her for a fact or two - otherwise, search the internet!!!!!
Grace O'Malley (c. 1530 – c. 1603; also Gráinne O'Malley,[1] Irish: Gráinne Ní Mháille) was Queen of Umaill, chieftain of the Ó Máille clan and a pirate in 16th-century Ireland. She is commonly known by her nickname Granuaile in Irish folklore, and a historical figure in 16th-century Irish history, and is sometimes known as "The Sea Queen of Connaught
Final Pre-Irish Fest Post...
The Pirate and Fairy Theme
Pirates and Fairies
Our massive Kid’s Area this year will focus on activities in the world of Pirates and Fairies!
Some Famous Irish Pirates
Grace O’Malley
Edward England

What are Irish Fairies?
When most of you think fairies, you think they are female and something like a sprite. Irish Fairies don’t fit into that category. There are several kinds of Irish Fairies. All of the live in the Hidden Ireland and while running into some of them may bring a fun experience, you may want to stay away from several of them. Here are a few of them:
The Grogoch
The Banshee
The Merrows
The Sidhe
Plus, there are many other fairies we didn’t name
I hope everyone comes down and has a wonderful time this year!!!! Be sure to remember to cool off when necessary!
Pirates and Fairies
Our massive Kid’s Area this year will focus on activities in the world of Pirates and Fairies!
Some Famous Irish Pirates
Grace O’Malley
Edward England

What are Irish Fairies?
When most of you think fairies, you think they are female and something like a sprite. Irish Fairies don’t fit into that category. There are several kinds of Irish Fairies. All of the live in the Hidden Ireland and while running into some of them may bring a fun experience, you may want to stay away from several of them. Here are a few of them:
The Grogoch
The Banshee
The Merrows
The Sidhe
Plus, there are many other fairies we didn’t name
I hope everyone comes down and has a wonderful time this year!!!! Be sure to remember to cool off when necessary!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
We need to talk about munchies...
Let’s walk up the street (Grand) from the Park. If you look, you will see the Snug, now kids we don’t care about the Snug, but Mom and Dad will. If you think of it as a special adult club, in fact that is it; it is a special adult club. So…it is a GREAT place to let Mom and Dad unwind, and while they are there, you can get a soda and figure out where to next, and you can hear all the wonderful music from the Boulevard Stage…pretty neat!
Let’s keep going, there are Food Vendors and Merchandise Vendors Galore, and while I know you will need to get something from the Irish Fest Merchandise tent, you need to keep your tummy happy and your savings in your pocket ready to spend on that wonderful Irish something you can’t resist!
In fact, something really great to tell your parents is they can do all of the Christmas Shopping at Labor Day. I know this wonderful Grandma and Grandpa named Sullivan who did just that. They were with their Grandkids at the Fest and heard “I WANT” and later on they snuck back and got presents. Christmas was so full of surprises and great memories of Irish Fest.
The food, let’s talk about the food. The kids in the KCIF Kid’s Club do a lot of sampling year to year, and just can’t pick out a favorite. Everyone gets a vote depending on what they crave at that moment. Certainly pizza is a favorite, but you can’t beat Old Bag of Nails and Highland Foods, why it is smorgasbord heaven! Nobody in the family will go hungry and all of them will have their own special place. I will tell you a great drink and the Kid’s Club favorite is a Cherry Limeade from Scmieca’s; you haven’t lived until you have had one of those. But our staple for thirst is a good old bottle of water!
The shops and food go all around the fountain level of Crown Center. Let’s move on because I am both hungry and want to go roam in some of the stores…ahh, I know what I want for Christmas!
While you are traveling make notes of Port-a-Potties…you will need one after filling up and it is good to keep track of where they are.
Let’s walk up the street (Grand) from the Park. If you look, you will see the Snug, now kids we don’t care about the Snug, but Mom and Dad will. If you think of it as a special adult club, in fact that is it; it is a special adult club. So…it is a GREAT place to let Mom and Dad unwind, and while they are there, you can get a soda and figure out where to next, and you can hear all the wonderful music from the Boulevard Stage…pretty neat!
Let’s keep going, there are Food Vendors and Merchandise Vendors Galore, and while I know you will need to get something from the Irish Fest Merchandise tent, you need to keep your tummy happy and your savings in your pocket ready to spend on that wonderful Irish something you can’t resist!
In fact, something really great to tell your parents is they can do all of the Christmas Shopping at Labor Day. I know this wonderful Grandma and Grandpa named Sullivan who did just that. They were with their Grandkids at the Fest and heard “I WANT” and later on they snuck back and got presents. Christmas was so full of surprises and great memories of Irish Fest.
The food, let’s talk about the food. The kids in the KCIF Kid’s Club do a lot of sampling year to year, and just can’t pick out a favorite. Everyone gets a vote depending on what they crave at that moment. Certainly pizza is a favorite, but you can’t beat Old Bag of Nails and Highland Foods, why it is smorgasbord heaven! Nobody in the family will go hungry and all of them will have their own special place. I will tell you a great drink and the Kid’s Club favorite is a Cherry Limeade from Scmieca’s; you haven’t lived until you have had one of those. But our staple for thirst is a good old bottle of water!
The shops and food go all around the fountain level of Crown Center. Let’s move on because I am both hungry and want to go roam in some of the stores…ahh, I know what I want for Christmas!
While you are traveling make notes of Port-a-Potties…you will need one after filling up and it is good to keep track of where they are.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Kansas City Irish Fest Lowdown Part 8
Misc Children’s Information
How do I get there? You BEG Mom and Dad to take you to the children’s area.
How much does it cost? An all day jumpy pass is 10.00 it is good in all of the park areas. You buy those at the ticket booths! Totally worth it!
I can’t jump, I get sick... Well join us all day in the Children’s craft and game or Oddball Kids, or in the bubble tent and don’t miss what is on stage and the parade, should I keep going?
Can I have my Face Painted? Sure the talented Face Painters are doing glitter tats ($4), facepainting ($7) and henna/bodyart ($9 + Depends on the size of the tattoo and the amount of body it goes on).
The Stage Events, admission to Irish Fest and Oddball Kids and all of our game are all absolutely Free.
Am I allowed to Sing? And Dance, what happens in the Children’s Area stays there. Except during the times we let loose there, we dance, sing and play various instruments and noisemakers, and often get caught by some adults like our parents!
What do I do with all that Moola I am going to win? You spend it at the Children’s Market.
You went this whole time and didn’t say you would have balloon guys. Everyone said they were awesome last year. I did talk about them, and just watch for them, they are making some spectacular balloon art both in the park and in the village this year.
How do I get there? You BEG Mom and Dad to take you to the children’s area.
How much does it cost? An all day jumpy pass is 10.00 it is good in all of the park areas. You buy those at the ticket booths! Totally worth it!
I can’t jump, I get sick... Well join us all day in the Children’s craft and game or Oddball Kids, or in the bubble tent and don’t miss what is on stage and the parade, should I keep going?
Can I have my Face Painted? Sure the talented Face Painters are doing glitter tats ($4), facepainting ($7) and henna/bodyart ($9 + Depends on the size of the tattoo and the amount of body it goes on).
The Stage Events, admission to Irish Fest and Oddball Kids and all of our game are all absolutely Free.
Am I allowed to Sing? And Dance, what happens in the Children’s Area stays there. Except during the times we let loose there, we dance, sing and play various instruments and noisemakers, and often get caught by some adults like our parents!
What do I do with all that Moola I am going to win? You spend it at the Children’s Market.
You went this whole time and didn’t say you would have balloon guys. Everyone said they were awesome last year. I did talk about them, and just watch for them, they are making some spectacular balloon art both in the park and in the village this year.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Kansas City Irish Fest Lowdown Part 7
The Children’s Stage
You mean to say that the kids don’t have enough; they have to have a special stage. That is for Certain!
You have to just look at the schedule and try to get it all in…every act is a winner for us.
Seamus Kennedy
Seamus Kennedy is an Irish Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Comedian and all-round entertainer plus an Author. He is from Belfast and has been entertaining for over 40 years. The hint here, is the whole family will love him, so you can circle him as a Family entertainer.
Tom Sweeney
Tom Sweeney, from Omagh, Northern Ireland, envelops the very essence of Irish culture into his performances. Inspired by his grandmother, the late Sarah Makem, the great ballad tradition was instilled in him from boyhood. Sweeney carries with him an endless amount of songs, stories, poetry and tunes. His shows run the gamut of emotion, fun and Irish history. Another Hint, the entire family will be enthralled with Tom.
Driscoll School of Irish Dance
Driscoll School of Irish Dance. The Wee Ones will be dancing for us and showing us how Irish Dancing is done. And they will be teaching us about Irish Dance.
This group will make everyone in the family tap your toes and just smile.
The Fanzini Brothers
Guido and Ronaldo will make you laugh, loud and long. And you may see them in the park on a walkabout. Wow. They will delight young and old, so yet we have given you another act that everyone will love!
Barry Fitzgerald
Author, Storyteller, Ghost Hunter, Historian, that is some of what Barry brings to us with his fabulous tales. Is there a need to go on? I certainly don’t think so, we only have Barry for one show, you need to be there!
O'Riada-McCarty-Manning Academy of Irish Dance
O’Riada-McCarty-Manning dancers enjoy having many opportunities to perform throughout the city. In keeping with the Children’s Area theme, this innovative dance team will put Irish Dancing to Fairy Tales.
Please join us for the fun.
Okay, okay, who would not want to see this?
Mr. Stinky Feet
KC’s own Jim Cosgrove? No, I would not recommend anyone under the age of 8 to miss this show!
StoneLion Puppets
We proudly present The Magic Cauldron - Come stir the pot with us and see what spills out in this unique puppet show of Irish spirit. Mermaids, fairies, dancing leprechauns, and even Finn McCool will delight and entertain .
Best Fairy/Best Pirate
You have to be there for this and you have to be a Pirate or a Fairy. The prizes are so awesome, and everyone will think you are totally fabulous in your costume .
You mean to say that the kids don’t have enough; they have to have a special stage. That is for Certain!
You have to just look at the schedule and try to get it all in…every act is a winner for us.
Seamus Kennedy
Seamus Kennedy is an Irish Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Comedian and all-round entertainer plus an Author. He is from Belfast and has been entertaining for over 40 years. The hint here, is the whole family will love him, so you can circle him as a Family entertainer.
Tom Sweeney
Tom Sweeney, from Omagh, Northern Ireland, envelops the very essence of Irish culture into his performances. Inspired by his grandmother, the late Sarah Makem, the great ballad tradition was instilled in him from boyhood. Sweeney carries with him an endless amount of songs, stories, poetry and tunes. His shows run the gamut of emotion, fun and Irish history. Another Hint, the entire family will be enthralled with Tom.
Driscoll School of Irish Dance
Driscoll School of Irish Dance. The Wee Ones will be dancing for us and showing us how Irish Dancing is done. And they will be teaching us about Irish Dance.
This group will make everyone in the family tap your toes and just smile.
The Fanzini Brothers
Guido and Ronaldo will make you laugh, loud and long. And you may see them in the park on a walkabout. Wow. They will delight young and old, so yet we have given you another act that everyone will love!
Barry Fitzgerald
Author, Storyteller, Ghost Hunter, Historian, that is some of what Barry brings to us with his fabulous tales. Is there a need to go on? I certainly don’t think so, we only have Barry for one show, you need to be there!
O'Riada-McCarty-Manning Academy of Irish Dance
O’Riada-McCarty-Manning dancers enjoy having many opportunities to perform throughout the city. In keeping with the Children’s Area theme, this innovative dance team will put Irish Dancing to Fairy Tales.
Please join us for the fun.
Okay, okay, who would not want to see this?
Mr. Stinky Feet
KC’s own Jim Cosgrove? No, I would not recommend anyone under the age of 8 to miss this show!
StoneLion Puppets
We proudly present The Magic Cauldron - Come stir the pot with us and see what spills out in this unique puppet show of Irish spirit. Mermaids, fairies, dancing leprechauns, and even Finn McCool will delight and entertain .
Best Fairy/Best Pirate
You have to be there for this and you have to be a Pirate or a Fairy. The prizes are so awesome, and everyone will think you are totally fabulous in your costume .
Monday, August 26, 2013
Kansas City Irish Fest Lowdown Part 6
Children’s Village
You have entered, the Children’s Village at the North end of the Crown Center Terrace. The hours are open until 9 PM. To enter this place an adult must be accompanied by a child, because we don’t let grownups in by themselves.
Craft Tent
There is so much to do, where do we begin? Let’s begin at the Craft Tent . Run by talented Miss Julie, who owns the wonderful Arts and Crafts place, “Artrageous” and Miss Cassie (who is the Kid’s Club Liaison). This year, they are making Family Crests, you design your own, and so everything you put on the crest should mean something special to you.
And they will be making Pirates and Fairies. Use your
imagination, have fun and make your craft to take home. Word to the wise, let Mom and Dad hold it when you jump!
Bingo/Coloring Tent
Have you ever played KC Irish Fest Bingo ? Yes, it is really Bingo and yes, you win prizes. Look at the schedule above and join us! The KCIF Symbol is the Free Space on the board!
We have coloring in the Children’s Area just like the Wee Ones, and yes, the prizes are by age-group. You know sometimes, you just need to sit and color! It is both relaxing to get off of your feet every now and then, and sometimes you need to let your colors shine.
Have you ever seen a Wackalaylee? They come from the same place as the Leprechauns, who shared with us this secret. A wackalaylee is a piñata; yes, really! It is an Irish piñata. And you whack it. So, you save a little bit of your energy and you put a hole in this pirate or fairy and candy and prizes pour out for you to share with you other 100 best friends at the Festival. Obviously everyone wins on this one, and you must be under 13 to play! Sorry adults and teens, if you are good, the kids may share a piece of candy!
You have entered, the Children’s Village at the North end of the Crown Center Terrace. The hours are open until 9 PM. To enter this place an adult must be accompanied by a child, because we don’t let grownups in by themselves.
Craft Tent
There is so much to do, where do we begin? Let’s begin at the Craft Tent . Run by talented Miss Julie, who owns the wonderful Arts and Crafts place, “Artrageous” and Miss Cassie (who is the Kid’s Club Liaison). This year, they are making Family Crests, you design your own, and so everything you put on the crest should mean something special to you.
And they will be making Pirates and Fairies. Use your
imagination, have fun and make your craft to take home. Word to the wise, let Mom and Dad hold it when you jump!
Bingo/Coloring Tent
Have you ever played KC Irish Fest Bingo ? Yes, it is really Bingo and yes, you win prizes. Look at the schedule above and join us! The KCIF Symbol is the Free Space on the board!
We have coloring in the Children’s Area just like the Wee Ones, and yes, the prizes are by age-group. You know sometimes, you just need to sit and color! It is both relaxing to get off of your feet every now and then, and sometimes you need to let your colors shine.
Have you ever seen a Wackalaylee? They come from the same place as the Leprechauns, who shared with us this secret. A wackalaylee is a piñata; yes, really! It is an Irish piñata. And you whack it. So, you save a little bit of your energy and you put a hole in this pirate or fairy and candy and prizes pour out for you to share with you other 100 best friends at the Festival. Obviously everyone wins on this one, and you must be under 13 to play! Sorry adults and teens, if you are good, the kids may share a piece of candy!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Irish Thought for August 25...
Action at the Fest
Meet another Face Artist...
Meet another Face Artist...
Hi- I’m MJ Matthews, most people know me as the owner of the local business Sister Act Face Painting.
I was asked to write a little blurb about what it is I love about Irish Fest- well that shouldn’t be hard-but then they did say “little” blurb… SO, now my severely edited edition is below-
1: Painting the kids- Sister Act Face Painting has been painting up the kids & many adults that attend Irish Fest for several years, so for me it’s like a reunion every year. I get to catch up on family news, what the kids are up too and see how much they’ve grown. I love seeing my families that attend each year and truly feel like I’m a part of their yearly tradition! Best Feeling Ever!
2. Connecting with our other artists, even though most of us work together all year long, it’s rare we get to spend three full days in a tent together at one time. We laugh, exchange ideas, admire each other’s work and really enjoy painting together. Did I mention we laugh- a lot! (DJ- you’re a part of this one too! )
4. FOOD- nuff said!
5. Leprechauns
6. Irish Dancers- Holy COW can these kiddos dance!
7. Did I mention food?
8. Can I say- getting tipped in beer tokens on a kid’s blog?
9. Shopping, there are so many wonderful things you cannot find anywhere else but at Irish Fest!
10. My Irish Fest Family, from the volunteers, entertainers, management and guest, these are the most wonderful people in the world and if you attend Irish Fest this year you get to be a part of it all!
Come see me at Irish Fest, get painted, shop, drink a beer, dance, have some fun and start a tradition! See you all there! MJ
Below are some examples of her art!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Kansas City Irish Fest Lowdown Part 5
These are some other fun areas found in the Park for the older kids.
Washington Park Jumpy Zone – What can you say about inflatables? Lots of kid size fun. Including two giant Rock-Climbing Walls and the Bungee Jump and more fun jumpies like a giant slide. You will find a couple of the Kid’s Club Members so say hi to Michael and Q.
Face Painting, Glitter Tattoos and Henna Body Art – You don’t have to be a kid, just a kid at heart to get one of these fabulous paint jobs, tattoos or body art. These artists are amazing.
Face Painting – Yes, we have talented face painters here too. More original designs this year! And as requested, we have more Face Painters, come and see Amy, Kristi, Kaci, Laura, Nancy, Jo, MJ, Celeste, and Sheryl. And when I say these artists are amazing, once you are adorned, you will agree! The following is a list of the designs available from which you can choose:
Pot O’ Gold
Any Sport Ball
Irish Flag Tribal
Celtic Knight Necklace
Cow Swirls and Curls
Irish Princess Shamrock Designs
Fairy Celtic Eye Design
Mermaid Princess
Heart Design
Rainbow Design
Rose Mask
Lady Bug
Shark Zebra
Rock Star
Monster Princess
Spider Man/Girl
Please make your selection, have a clean face and have your hair pulled back when it is your turn. This helps the lines go faster! Keep in mind each artist has their own style, artistic designs may vary. Tips are greatly appreciated!!
BRING BACK Guitar Hero
It never went anywhere and has never been at Irish Fest until presented by Tommy. Everyone gets a turn, are you an expert? And best of all, it is Special Irish Guitar Rock.
Okay, I have to tell you about this amazing gentleman who is a super, fantastic, musical hero of mine. And, best of all he will be doing DJ duties down in the park and the music is aimed for the teens and tweens who need their own space to socialize and have fun.
Washington Park Jumpy Zone – What can you say about inflatables? Lots of kid size fun. Including two giant Rock-Climbing Walls and the Bungee Jump and more fun jumpies like a giant slide. You will find a couple of the Kid’s Club Members so say hi to Michael and Q.
Face Painting, Glitter Tattoos and Henna Body Art – You don’t have to be a kid, just a kid at heart to get one of these fabulous paint jobs, tattoos or body art. These artists are amazing.
Face Painting – Yes, we have talented face painters here too. More original designs this year! And as requested, we have more Face Painters, come and see Amy, Kristi, Kaci, Laura, Nancy, Jo, MJ, Celeste, and Sheryl. And when I say these artists are amazing, once you are adorned, you will agree! The following is a list of the designs available from which you can choose:
Pot O’ Gold
Any Sport Ball
Irish Flag Tribal
Celtic Knight Necklace
Cow Swirls and Curls
Irish Princess Shamrock Designs
Fairy Celtic Eye Design
Mermaid Princess
Heart Design
Rainbow Design
Rose Mask
Lady Bug
Shark Zebra
Rock Star
Monster Princess
Spider Man/Girl
Please make your selection, have a clean face and have your hair pulled back when it is your turn. This helps the lines go faster! Keep in mind each artist has their own style, artistic designs may vary. Tips are greatly appreciated!!
BRING BACK Guitar Hero
It never went anywhere and has never been at Irish Fest until presented by Tommy. Everyone gets a turn, are you an expert? And best of all, it is Special Irish Guitar Rock.
Okay, I have to tell you about this amazing gentleman who is a super, fantastic, musical hero of mine. And, best of all he will be doing DJ duties down in the park and the music is aimed for the teens and tweens who need their own space to socialize and have fun.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Irish Thought for August 23...
More Irish Fest News
I wanted to show you all the awesome, cuddly cow you can win if you name the new cow for this year. This cow also received some extra love from the Irish Fest Kid's Club to make sure whoever wins gets a great treat!
I wanted to show you all the awesome, cuddly cow you can win if you name the new cow for this year. This cow also received some extra love from the Irish Fest Kid's Club to make sure whoever wins gets a great treat!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Kansas City Irish Fest Lowdown Part 4
Kansas City Irish Fest Lowdown Part 4
What to do?
Let’s start in a section of the Park called the Wee Ones Village… this area of the Park operates from Fest Open until 9 PM (only for the Wee Ones Area).
Wee Ones Village
This area is just for little ones. We have all kinds of fun within the area.
Oddball Kids – Oddball Kids is a hands-on Children’s Activity that features Fun projects and do it yourself arts and crafts for children, they bring some of their interactive games and fun to KC Irish Fest, just for our youngest patrons. Watch for a special cow. Say hello to Miss Jana. The following activities are only for the Wee Ones Village...
Bubble Tent – Yes Toddlers, there is a bubble tent to play in for as long as you like.
Wee Ones Jumpy Zone – We have given the wee ones their own special bouncies so they stay safe away from the older kids.
Golf Anyone? – Come and see the miniature golf for the little ones. I bet their handicap is pretty good.
Coloring Tent – Yes, we do color, and yes, we give prizes after Irish Fest to those works of Art by age group.
Balloon Artist – I bet if you just look during some peak hours in the Village you will find a Balloon Artist, and he/she will take your request. Get a flower or your own sword. For sure this will bring a smile.
Grace O’Malley’s Troves of Treasures – Irish Fest has been fortunate to acquire two kid size ships belonging to Gráinne herself; that the little ones can play in and maybe find a treasure!
What to do?
Let’s start in a section of the Park called the Wee Ones Village… this area of the Park operates from Fest Open until 9 PM (only for the Wee Ones Area).
Wee Ones Village
This area is just for little ones. We have all kinds of fun within the area.
Oddball Kids – Oddball Kids is a hands-on Children’s Activity that features Fun projects and do it yourself arts and crafts for children, they bring some of their interactive games and fun to KC Irish Fest, just for our youngest patrons. Watch for a special cow. Say hello to Miss Jana. The following activities are only for the Wee Ones Village...
Bubble Tent – Yes Toddlers, there is a bubble tent to play in for as long as you like.
Wee Ones Jumpy Zone – We have given the wee ones their own special bouncies so they stay safe away from the older kids.
Golf Anyone? – Come and see the miniature golf for the little ones. I bet their handicap is pretty good.
Coloring Tent – Yes, we do color, and yes, we give prizes after Irish Fest to those works of Art by age group.
Balloon Artist – I bet if you just look during some peak hours in the Village you will find a Balloon Artist, and he/she will take your request. Get a flower or your own sword. For sure this will bring a smile.
Grace O’Malley’s Troves of Treasures – Irish Fest has been fortunate to acquire two kid size ships belonging to Gráinne herself; that the little ones can play in and maybe find a treasure!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Kansas City Irish Fest Lowdown Part 2
Kansas City Irish Fest Lowdown Part 2
I got myself a copy of the schedule for the Kids' Area Stage for Irish Fest. I already talked about Barry Fitzgerald, but I will be talking about other performers over the next week or so!
I got myself a copy of the schedule for the Kids' Area Stage for Irish Fest. I already talked about Barry Fitzgerald, but I will be talking about other performers over the next week or so!
Kansas City Irish Fest Lowdown Part 3
Kansas City Irish Fest Lowdown Part 3
How to be a Kid and Have a GRAND TIME at IRISH FEST
1. Have patience with your Mom and Dad and let them listen to some wonderful Music – I bet you like it too!
2. Take your schedule, circle what you would like to do, tell your Mom and
Dad to do the same, have a family meeting, bet you can work it out to do most all of it!
3. Don’t lose your parents; they have a way of straying!
4. Don’t take your crafts, prizes and merchandise in the moonwalks with you, they may break or get lost. Get Mom and Dad to keep track of them!
5. If Mom or Dad get cranky, you can go back to the hotel (or home) take a nap and come back refreshed.
6. The Kid’s Club says that Mom and Dad can bring along your best babysitter to let the entire family have fun. You can meet up at the times and places you both circled on your things to do!
How to be a Kid and Have a GRAND TIME at IRISH FEST
1. Have patience with your Mom and Dad and let them listen to some wonderful Music – I bet you like it too!
2. Take your schedule, circle what you would like to do, tell your Mom and
Dad to do the same, have a family meeting, bet you can work it out to do most all of it!
3. Don’t lose your parents; they have a way of straying!
4. Don’t take your crafts, prizes and merchandise in the moonwalks with you, they may break or get lost. Get Mom and Dad to keep track of them!
5. If Mom or Dad get cranky, you can go back to the hotel (or home) take a nap and come back refreshed.
6. The Kid’s Club says that Mom and Dad can bring along your best babysitter to let the entire family have fun. You can meet up at the times and places you both circled on your things to do!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Irish Thought for August 19...
Kansas City Irish Fest
I got myself some images of the new temporary tattoos that will be available this year. Since our theme is Pirates and Fairies, I think these tattoos rock. I might have to take the Irish fairy home with me to use on another special occasion like St. Patrick's Day.
I got myself some images of the new temporary tattoos that will be available this year. Since our theme is Pirates and Fairies, I think these tattoos rock. I might have to take the Irish fairy home with me to use on another special occasion like St. Patrick's Day.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Irish Thought for August 18...
Kansas City Irish Fest
Henna tattoos were begun at Irish Fest last year and I felt that they were a great addition. I had a beautiful cross done on my calf. The glitter even outlasted the rain! Even though henna is not permanent, we will want a parent there to let us know he or she is okay with you getting one. Here is what an artist told me and some pics!
Last year was my first year at the Kansas City Irish Festival. It was so amazing I could not wait to return!
Doing henna in a festival setting is very difficult for an artist who does mostly custom body art pieces. I was very nervous about signing up to do art for the festival.
Not only were my fears laid to rest, but I discovered how absolutely amazing the Kansas City Irish crowd is.
I am hooked and so incredibly happy I have been invited back to draw on all of the wonderful festival goers.
KC Henna will be there throughout the entire festival to adorn you all with natural henna with an Irish flare.
Henna tattoos were begun at Irish Fest last year and I felt that they were a great addition. I had a beautiful cross done on my calf. The glitter even outlasted the rain! Even though henna is not permanent, we will want a parent there to let us know he or she is okay with you getting one. Here is what an artist told me and some pics!
Last year was my first year at the Kansas City Irish Festival. It was so amazing I could not wait to return!
Doing henna in a festival setting is very difficult for an artist who does mostly custom body art pieces. I was very nervous about signing up to do art for the festival.
Not only were my fears laid to rest, but I discovered how absolutely amazing the Kansas City Irish crowd is.
I am hooked and so incredibly happy I have been invited back to draw on all of the wonderful festival goers.
KC Henna will be there throughout the entire festival to adorn you all with natural henna with an Irish flare.
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